1. Shortcut Methods for Searching and Researching
2. Review of Related Literature
4. Writing a Successful Research Proposal and Research Report
5. Research Methodology in Education through Flipped Learning Approach
6. Research Methodology in the Field of Special Education through ICT
7. Professional Development through Online
9. Easy Ways to Publish Your Articles and Books
10. How to Write a Ph.D. Thesis Nicely
11. Research Methodology Books
12. Research Methodologies and Methods
13. Developing Your Research Project
14. Creating Research and Scientific Documents Using MS-Word
Valuable Resources (Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Methods, and Statistical Tools)
1. Creswell Qualitative Research
2. Creswell Quantitative Research
3. Creswell Mixed Method Research
4. Tutors Quick Guide to Statistics
Taylor & Francis: How Researchers Changed the World (Publication Information)
1. Early Career Learning Programme (12 Week)
2. Mid-Career Learning Programme (12 Week)
Source: Taylor & Francis
Note: These courses still going on. I am adding the resources week wise based on availability
MOOC Courses
1. Education Research that Matters: Applying Research to Your Teaching Practice
2. Education Research that Matters: Doing Research in Your Learning Community
3. Education Research that Matters: Ways of Researching
4. Systematic Literature Review: An Introduction
5. Research Writing: How to Do a Literature Review
6. Why Research Matters
7. Why Research Matter: Evidence at Work
8. Why Planning Your Research Matters
9. Why Experience Matters: Qualitative Research
10. Why Numbers Matter: Quantitative Research
11. Why Ethics Matter: Ethical Research
12. Introduction to Research Ethics: Working with People
13. People Studying People: Research Ethics in Society
14. Community-Based Research: Getting Started
15. Academic Integrity: Values, Skills, Action
16. How to Write a PhD Research Proposal
17. Discovering Your PhD Potential: Writing a Research Proposal
18. Developing Your Research Project
19. Learning Online: Researching Your Project