Applied Ethics: Applied ethics is the problem-solving branch of moral philosophy. It uses the insights derived from metaethics and the general principles and rules of normative ethics in addressing specific ethical issues and cases in a professional, disciplinary or practical field. Applied ethics is the vital link between theory and practice, the real test of ethical decision-making. Applied ethics often requires not only theoretical analysis but also practical and feasible solutions.
Some of the key areas of applied ethics are:
- Decision Ethics
- Professional Ethics
- Clinical Ethics
- Business Ethics
- Organizational Ethics
- Social Ethics
Applied ethics takes into consideration issues such as abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, drug decriminalization, gay marriage, etc.
Moral action involves taking the necessary steps to
transform the intent to do the right thing into reality. This includes moral ownership, moral efficacy, and moral courage.
Non-moral actions or events: those areas of interest where moral categories
cannot be applied.
Almost all examples involving
human intention, volition, or behaviour are described in terms of moral
categories, ceteris paribus, since such examples involve the
possibility of helping or harming oneself or others.
For example, wondering whether one should eat
grapefruit, wear socks of a specific shade of colour, or part your hair on the
left side of the head are all usually considered non-moral issues. Yet there
are circumstances where such actions could have moral consequences.
c. Generally speaking, statements in the sciences (so-called "factual
statements") are considered to be about non-moral issues as well.
Nature of Applied Ethics
Applied ethics refers to the practical application of moral considerations. It is ethics with respect to real-world actions and their moral considerations in the areas of private and public life,
the professions, health, technology, law, and leadership.
of Applied Ethics
Applied ethics is a growing, interdisciplinary field dealing with ethical problems in different areas of society. It includes for
instance social and political ethics, computer ethics, medical ethics, bioethics, environmental ethics, business ethics, and it also relates to different forms of
professional ethics.
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