Objective: The objective of the first part of this paper is to acquaint the students of
Philosophy with the psychological aspect of human life. It also emphasizes
on the methods and problems of psychology along with the different schools
approaching the mind.
* Nature of Psychology, Its methods - Introspective, Inspective & Experimental
What is Psychology (NCERT material)
* Schools of Psychology - Behaviourism, Gestaltism & Psychoanalysis
*Applied Psychology introduction
Extra Information
1. Introduction to the Structure and Function of the Nervous System
*Psychological Basis of mental life - Nervous system
the doctrine of Central Localization (page no.10)
Weber - Fechner Law of Sensation
* Perception - definition, stages of perception
* Memory - factors, conditions & marks of good memory
* Imagination - Nature and kinds
* The nature of Feeling, Feeling & Emotion
* James-Lange Theory of Emotion (page no. 178)
* Learning -Theories of Learning
* Personality - Traits, Factors, Kinds
- Factors
* Intelligence - Nature, Tests IQ
Extra Information
1. Methods of Enquire in Psychology
2. Sensory, Attentional and Perceptional Processes
Very useful information to all the students of Philosophy. Keep on posting.